My drawing journey. I don't know why you interested with this, but I hope you will enjoy this journal, because I definitely do.

The Anime and MS Paint Era

I believe it's all started since 2009-ish, but I only started to make a digital copy on around 2011-ish.

I used to watch Japanese cartoon, and undoubtly it's influenced my drawing. It's mostly look like edgy cold-looking-anime-protagonist-guy because I've seen a lot of Detective Conan, Tantei Yakumo, or such, that gave an idea of being know about any information, and try to deliver that information in such "cool" style, is cool.

Sometimes I also try to draw some "beauty" scenery that came through my mind, but I mostly did it in class, which is the reason I draw them on book paper.

I've been trying to search my own style. Also, just like any other kids that wanna make their own world, I create some characters, their lore, etc. etc. because that's fun. However, I began to down desperately when digital art got more opportunity to be widely seen by the world. Because ... well, they look better at that time? So, that's when I try to draw digitally. I'm not doing it for the long time because: 1. I don't have any sufficent material. My computer was ancient (even at that time) and it'll off automatically because of overheat. I also only have mouse, which is pretty hard to control without any good software; 2. I'm being impatient. So I try to draw on Microsoft Paint, which ... well, turned out bad. I can't even draw in manga style properly.

That's when I decided to go back to traditional drawing and find something new. Turned out that I enjoy drawing realistic portrait.

Attempt of Realistic Portrait and Shading Era

It's laughable and I won't deny it. The artworks are from end of 2011 to new 2012, probably. I spent so much time on drawing at this time. I remember, the first thing I did when I came home from school is drawing, and spent like 2 to 3 hours just to make one portrait. Eventually, those 2 to 3 hours was expanded to more than 5 hours.

Those are from 2012. However, you may notice I'm super duper rare to draw a female figure, because, well, it's really hard for me. I never take any art classes, nor seriously spend my time just to study the characteristic features. Everytime I tried to draw a female, I always failed no matter what. So, yeah, that's very unfortunate.

After I spent some times with realistic portrait, I also try to draw with my imagination, so I blend the cartoon style with some realism shading.

And that's how I started realistic portrait drawing (and do some colouring beibah).

Experimental 1: Microsoft Excel

Beside of that, I also like to experimenting. The first one is with Microsoft Excel, because the existence of digital drawing still bugging me. I've been a friend to some crazy awesome artists at this time, but they gradually shifted from traditional art to digital art. So, this is when I tried to come back to digital drawing, just to follow the trend.

Trying to find a good software for me to use, I accidentally found Shukei's speedpainting video, which inspired me a lot to create an art with limited tools. That's when I started to experimenting on drawing.

Experimental 2: Negative Drawing

Negative drawing is fun, and probably the most fun and longest experiment I ever did. I don't remember how I know about this kind of drawing, but I believe I started it around 2014, because I remember I draw Antonio Banderas and Altair for my first negative drawing, and the pictures say 2014

If you ask how I did that, I will say I was cheating a bit. Sometimes I look through my phone with negative filter camera because I'm afraid my work will be too off, Especially when I did non-greyscale portrait. But at least I don't use AI, right?

One reason why I like negative drawing is because I don't need that messy black charcoal to draw a very sharp black shade. I draw on regular drawing paper, not a canvas, so sometimes that's become a trouble.

Experimental 3: Mathematics Expression

When I took numerical analysis course, lagrange interpolation is one of the subject I learned. Then, there's an idea: I can draw a curve along the fixed point with lagrange formula, then I should be able to draw a portrait with super smooth curve. And, yes, it works.

The idea was very simple, but it's very effective to trick your friend, made them thinking it's involving some complex magical mechanism just because there's math in it.

I also do some dense family line function to make a drawing.

Experimental 4: Live Drawing

I enjoy live drawing. Spending some times just to capture the environment around you on paper is refreshing. Unfortunately, I lost most of them because my friend borrow my sketch book, but didn't return it to me. Fortunately, I separate my "live drawing" sketch book with the others, because I prefer to draw my "live drawing" on A5, unlike the other. These are my "live drawing" work I can find.

College and After Era

I still drawing sometimes, but never made it to 12 hours perartwork like before. It's dropped drastically when I was in college because of the limited time that I had. However, please enjoy!

(Yes, I still can't draw woman. I'm specialized in bapak-bapak)